Into The Light – Kristina’s Story

Not Just Another Friday It was a Friday afternoon, but not any Friday afternoon…Memorial Day weekend. I was to spend the weekend with my 2 children, parents, and sister at the beach without my husband because he had to work. Divinely, I was glued to my chair on the front porch of our townhome. Oddly,Continue reading “Into The Light – Kristina’s Story”

The Dark Silence of the Night

When the Loneliness gets to you I’m used to being alone. Even when I have others physically near me, I am usually alone. I can’t remember the last time I was able to let someone into all facets of my life and with each passing day, month and year I become less and less hopefulContinue reading “The Dark Silence of the Night”

Suicide is Complicated

These Muddy Waters I was having a conversation a few nights ago with someone who had a friend who committed suicide last year. He asked me “What triggers it? What were the actual thoughts?” I had previously stated that the feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness and an unending pain went on for so long thatContinue reading “Suicide is Complicated”

My Psychosis Song

My  Psychosis  Song Psychosis seized my mind, grabbed my very soul, shook my very essence and violently took hold. Overcome with thoughts that twisted in my head, left me torn apart, and wishing I were dead. Searching for the answers while my thinking was deranged, left us all with scars and everlasting change. Thrust intoContinue reading “My Psychosis Song”

This Postpartum Life; the Scars of Psychosis

What do you see when you look at me? You look at me and you see a woman with scars on her wrists from a failed attempt at the taking of her life. Damn her, there’s no understanding. We drive our children into the water. You don’t get that the ocean is a sea ofContinue reading “This Postpartum Life; the Scars of Psychosis”

My Psychosis Song

RE- POST – Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis; 1, 2, 3, 4, – I declare… War?

Are We Battling for Our Place; Our Voice? In my longstanding pursuit of wanting to not only have a voice myself, but to enable others to have a voice in similar circumstances as well, it seems we have (and by “we” I mean ‘me’) inadvertently stepped on some toes. It’s often difficult to be heardContinue reading “RE- POST – Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis; 1, 2, 3, 4, – I declare… War?”

I call Bullshit

Discrimination and Disgust This is just a small add-on to my post from yesterday about the “Contest” that Postpartum Support International ran for an International Maternal Mental Health Symbol. Here’s the breakdown of the final ten and I will paste my reply to a condescending response on a facebook post- My Maternal Mental Health ContestContinue reading “I call Bullshit”

Maternal Mental Health Contest Controversy

But I sprinkle babies on my oatmeal – Say What?  So it seems that when Postpartum Support International said they were hosting an international contest open to All; what they really meant was it was open to everyone who was already in good standing. You know, had some clout, had a good name, had aContinue reading “Maternal Mental Health Contest Controversy”

Living a Life of Postpartum Psychosis

Help us, feel our pain We are broken and we look around, waiting, begging, dying inside. We look for the arms to wrap around us and bring us to our feet. The Ocean we drive into is a Sea of Desperation. Hold out your arms, lift us up, hang on tight and guide us to theContinue reading “Living a Life of Postpartum Psychosis”