I Cried for Home

When you cry for home when you’re alone I had an entire thought process going on when I started this page. I had been reading all of my posts sitting in drafts, some may sit there unpublished forever.  As I was reading through, it started to remind me of all the times after my motherContinue reading “I Cried for Home”

Crazy Nights Crazy Days

If you don’t go in crazy you’ll come out crazy… First I want to say; a lot actually: AMH I tend to infuse most of my ramblings with humor. I smile and sometimes laugh when it’s most inappropriate. I knew a woman I actually really admired and liked quite a bit who was a female forensicContinue reading “Crazy Nights Crazy Days”

Why was Postpartum Psychosis not considered a medical condition?

Why was Postpartum Psychosis not Considered a medical condition?

Reading Beyond the Headlines: A Closer Look at the Study on Antidepressants During Pregnancy, are antidepressants safe during pregnancy, depression during pregnancy — Giving Birth with Confidence

Reading Beyond the Headlines: A Closer Look at the Study on Antidepressants During Pregnancy, are antidepressants safe during pregnancy, depression during pregnancy — Giving Birth with Confidence

Dirty Devil?

When is the devil you don’t know better than the devil you do know? I am often left feeling as though I am choosing between the lesser of two evils. Rather than just being able to make the best decision for example; I have a couple choices and neither of them are fantastic, but IContinue reading “Dirty Devil?”

Walking the Line

I Walk the Line   I have walked the line between living for one child or dying for another. There’s never a good, right or perfect answer. I just have to live with knowing that I have walked the line and probably always will. My daughter and I on her 9th birthday in 2002 WhenContinue reading “Walking the Line”

Going to Carolina

Carolina on my Mind and the Birth of a New Generation The birth of my Grand-daughter and a new chapter of love, loss, grief and let’s not forget; politics. Lanah  – April 21, 2012 – 7lbs 3oz 19in I’d been considering relocating for a long time. Maine, and the memories involved left little to be desired.Continue reading “Going to Carolina”