What is Home Really?…

I think a lot of people think of ‘home’ as a particular place. Maybe for some that’s true. For me, home is with the people I love and care about. As long as they’re there; that’s home. I have just moved into a cottage near the ocean until next June. It’s furnished, almost complete withContinue reading “What is Home Really?…”

Google Can Suck it for This One…

More than Words I have one photo of myself, my son Hunter and my daughter Shey. The three of us all sitting together. I am looking for it and have been now for several days.  ******UPDATE****** I FOUND THE PHOTO AND POSTED IT ABOUT A WEEK AGO. I’ll share it here now. This is theContinue reading “Google Can Suck it for This One…”

Going to Carolina

Carolina on my Mind and the Birth of a New Generation The birth of my Grand-daughter and a new chapter of love, loss, grief and let’s not forget; politics. Lanah  – April 21, 2012 – 7lbs 3oz 19in I’d been considering relocating for a long time. Maine, and the memories involved left little to be desired.Continue reading “Going to Carolina”