Just this side of Right

I practice everyday staying on the “right” side. I don’t want to confuse that with being right. I am wrong lots of times. But you know when you go to the Emergency Room these days for something and they now have the mandatory questions asking you if you are safe at home, do you feelContinue reading “Just this side of Right”

Snot, Diarrhea, Chicken Bones…

I spy with my little eye My sister can’t eat chicken on a bone. I remember when I was younger that used to gross me out too. I always wanted boneless chicken, and especially wings. All those slimy little wings with the little bones and tendons. Yuck, made my stomach turn. Then, I was putContinue reading “Snot, Diarrhea, Chicken Bones…”

I Cried today

It’s 2am and I have a belly ache   I thought I could drift off but just as I turned off the light my mind began to wander and into a million thoughts it roamed and soon I just began to cry. The crying doesn’t happen that often, but here’s what does… I try toContinue reading “I Cried today”

RE- POST – Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis; 1, 2, 3, 4, – I declare… War?

Are We Battling for Our Place; Our Voice? In my longstanding pursuit of wanting to not only have a voice myself, but to enable others to have a voice in similar circumstances as well, it seems we have (and by “we” I mean ‘me’) inadvertently stepped on some toes. It’s often difficult to be heardContinue reading “RE- POST – Postpartum Depression vs Postpartum Psychosis; 1, 2, 3, 4, – I declare… War?”

Maternal Mental Health: Pre-Existing Risk Factors for PTSD and Childbirth — Giving Birth with Confidence

Below is a link to an article I got from +Walker Karraa, citing risk factors for women who may have had trauma before getting pregnant and why they’re at a greater risk for developing Postpartum Mental Health Disorders… Maternal Mental Health: Pre-Existing Risk Factors for PTSD and Childbirth — Giving Birth with Confidence

Crazy Nights Crazy Days

If you don’t go in crazy you’ll come out crazy… First I want to say; a lot actually: AMH I tend to infuse most of my ramblings with humor. I smile and sometimes laugh when it’s most inappropriate. I knew a woman I actually really admired and liked quite a bit who was a female forensicContinue reading “Crazy Nights Crazy Days”

A Story of Severe Postpartum Depression with Psychotic Features

Tragedies, Trauma, Disasters. What’s the common thread? Unfortunately, these are all the things that in most circumstances have to occur in order for change to happen. Why you ask? I suppose as a “civilized” (and I use that word lightly) society, when things appear to be going along swimmingly, nobody sees a need for change. So, let’sContinue reading “A Story of Severe Postpartum Depression with Psychotic Features”

Razor’s Edge; I will get back up

Are we measured by the worth of the words we speak? Or the words whose ears we reach. I can remember in a strange foggy, yet with surreal clarity, the moment I gripped the razor in my hand and pushed it down into my wrist. I still have the scars. I remember watching the bloodContinue reading “Razor’s Edge; I will get back up”

One Night in Bangkok…

Reminding myself this isn’t exactly Thailand   I have times when I want to do something almost to prove to myself I am alive. Like jumping off a bridge into the ocean. I know it’s not actually necessary, but on occasion I have that urge. It’s probably similar to the urge I describe below aboutContinue reading “One Night in Bangkok…”

This is Your Brain on the Postpartum Blues

This is Your Brain on the Postpartum Blues