Suicide is Complicated

These Muddy Waters I was having a conversation a few nights ago with someone who had a friend who committed suicide last year. He asked me “What triggers it? What were the actual thoughts?” I had previously stated that the feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness and an unending pain went on for so long thatContinue reading “Suicide is Complicated”

Maternal Mental Health: Pre-Existing Risk Factors for PTSD and Childbirth — Giving Birth with Confidence

Below is a link to an article I got from +Walker Karraa, citing risk factors for women who may have had trauma before getting pregnant and why they’re at a greater risk for developing Postpartum Mental Health Disorders… Maternal Mental Health: Pre-Existing Risk Factors for PTSD and Childbirth — Giving Birth with Confidence

Why was Postpartum Psychosis not considered a medical condition?

Why was Postpartum Psychosis not Considered a medical condition?

Reading Beyond the Headlines: A Closer Look at the Study on Antidepressants During Pregnancy, are antidepressants safe during pregnancy, depression during pregnancy — Giving Birth with Confidence

Reading Beyond the Headlines: A Closer Look at the Study on Antidepressants During Pregnancy, are antidepressants safe during pregnancy, depression during pregnancy — Giving Birth with Confidence

Suicide is Like a Disease

What Doesn’t Kill You? Suicide seems to run rampant in my family. Spreading itself around like a transmittable disease. I keep hoping to “Cure” my family of it, but it appears to have dug its roots deep. I remember when my grandfather came into the room where I was sleeping to tell me my motherContinue reading “Suicide is Like a Disease”