Suicide is Complicated

These Muddy Waters I was having a conversation a few nights ago with someone who had a friend who committed suicide last year. He asked me “What triggers it? What were the actual thoughts?” I had previously stated that the feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness and an unending pain went on for so long thatContinue reading “Suicide is Complicated”

Postpartum Psychosis – Can you Forgive?

Forgiveness   Nikki Love posted an update on the POST Life Movie website on the blog section titled The Mirror. It talked a lot about forgiveness and all the variables. Forgiving the person who became ill. Forgiving the people you asked for help, forgiving yourself. I believe it’s much easier to forgive others than toContinue reading “Postpartum Psychosis – Can you Forgive?”

Mental Health Activist Award

WEGO Health Activists Award Nominee #HAAwards   Surviving Postpartum Psychosis was nominated for a Health Activist Award in two Categories: (1) Best Kept Secret  (2) Best in Blog Show So excited to be recognized and have had some of the nicest things said –  She is candid, she’s brave, she’s amazing to so many women. ThereContinue reading “Mental Health Activist Award”